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Michael Fremer  |  Mar 01, 2008  |  0 comments

There’s an air of unreality about issuing a 7 CD set honoring the 50th Anniversary of The GRAMMY Awards. For one thing, the GRAMMYs award commercial, not artistic merit, though occasionally the two intersect. But more importantly, in an age of iTunes, where you can grab the tunes you want for a buck a piece, there’s something outdated and inefficient about packaging and marketing 16 tunes per category on a CD. What if you only like a few of them? Why be forced to buy all of them? Guess what? You’re not. NARAS (National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences) and Shout! Factory decided to issue these 7 discs anyway.

Michael Fremer  |  Apr 21, 2006  |  1 comments

When Nicholas Cage, holding up a Beatles LP at the beginning of \"The Rock,\" said \"These sound better!\" kids must have been listening!

The truth wins out!

Michael Fremer  |  Mar 05, 2006  |  0 comments

Decision by Sony leads to change, ABKCO claims

Michael Fremer  |  Feb 06, 2006  |  4 comments

Who engineered The Searchers tunes? \"Mystery\" solved!

Michael Fremer  |  Jan 31, 2003  |  1 comments begins building Full Service Web Site Thanks to strong support from both readers and advertisers,\\\'s site upgrade has been bumped up from the second quarter of 2003 to immediately.
