Michael Fremer  |  Dec 19, 2014  |  8 comments
There’s still time to give or get for yourself one or more of these provocative and/or visually opulent books.
Michael Fremer  |  Dec 18, 2014  |  7 comments
The term "hearing aid" strikes terror into the hearts of audiophiles of all ages. Glasses? OK. But "hearing aid"? No one wants to admit to needing one so that's why you need a set of DUBS Acoustic Filters now.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 16, 2014  |  57 comments
The Beach Boys reissue project from Analogue Productions has been years in the making. Some of the mono records go on sale this Friday, December 16th. The process from master tape to finished record, packaged, boxed and ready for shipping is shown in a series of videos that make their world debut here on analog planet.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 10, 2014  |  26 comments
On the analogplanet we greet with great enthusiasm news of a carefully considered reissue project like this, but clearly that’s not the case elsewhere. While poking around the Internet looking for background information I came upon a bizarre and surprising series of comments on, of all places Rolling Stone magazine’s website.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 09, 2014  |  9 comments
If you already own Sunday at The Village Vanguard and Waltz For Debby you have two album's worth of material from that magical afternoon and evening of June 25, 1961 that the producer Orrin Keepnews deemed worthy of releasing.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 05, 2014  |  48 comments
The Internet has diminished the number of "record fairs" but there still are some. When I go to "record fairs" l like to "play against type". If I see a vendor who looks like Elvis Presley (and there is/was one), I know his 50s rock records are going to be good but expensive so I'd rather rummage through the boxes of $1 records he's put on the floor under his table. That's where he puts the "junk" about which he knows nothing.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 04, 2014  |  9 comments
That's a photo of Chad Kassem and me from 1997. We go back a long way—to the 1980's actually. He's getting a "lifetime achievement" award on Sunday December 7th from the Los Angeles and Orange County Audiophile Society.

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 30, 2014  |  47 comments
Not that it’s any of my business, but I was disappointed reading that Joni Mitchell had nixed Taylor Swift’s playing her in a biopix. “All you’ve got is a girl with high cheekbones” she’s reported to have said.
