Michael Fremer  |  Jan 01, 2010  |  0 comments

Former Image Hi-Fi magazine editor Dirk Sommer and his wife Birgit Hammer-Sommer recorded and produced this solo double bass performance by Dieter Ilg using a purist analog chain direct to ¼” analog audio tape. Compression was neither contemplated nor used, nor was there any filtering or equalization of any kind.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 31, 2009  |  First Published: Dec 31, 1969  |  0 comments
Michael Fremer  |  Dec 01, 2009  |  0 comments

You could accuse Herbie Mann (Herbert James Solomon) of “selling out” his serious jazz career for pop music stardom but that wouldn’t be fair.

 |  Dec 01, 2009  |  0 comments

sound and music ratings approximate until review is posted. REVIEWTOCOME

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 01, 2009  |  0 comments

Note: since this review was originally posted February of 2009, we have learned of the existence of a flat transfer made from the now missing master tape. The version reviewed here was almost certainly mastered from a digital transfer done using some analog "work parts" and some digital sources not clearly identified in Capitol's original CD reissue series.

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 30, 2009  |  First Published: Dec 31, 1969  |  0 comments
Ed. note: In light of Bob Dylan's recent Rolling Stone interview in which he championed vinyl and complained both about CDs and modern recorded sound, we thought it appropriate to bring this to the home page yet again:

Back in 1994, ten years into the "digital revolution," the editor of Tower Records's "Pulse" magazine, bravely commissioned me to write an article expressing my feelings about digital sound, ten years after the introduction of the compact disc. It was published in "Pulse!" much to my delight. I thought you might find it interesting in 2005--MF

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 30, 2009  |  First Published: Dec 31, 1969  |  0 comments

An anxiety-reducing DVD that takes the mystery out of vinyl playback

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 30, 2009  |  First Published: Dec 31, 1969  |  1 comments

Can DVD number 2 match the first? Video being shot at RTI last August

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 30, 2009  |  First Published: Dec 31, 1969  |  0 comments
Back in 1980 or so, in Los Angeles, I had a disastrous try-out to be one of the original MTV VJs. I had no idea what the content was going to be, but having been on the radio and having done stand-up, I figured why not try out? By the time I wrote the article below, which appeared in Los Angeles music magazine "Music Connection" the week of April 12th-25th 1984 (25 years ago!), MTV had gone from pretty bad to much worse. So I wrote this arbor of sour grapes that I thought you might find amusing now that MTV is no longer about music.-Ed.
