Michael Fremer  |  Jan 01, 2022  |  9 comments
Any relationship between these parody capsules and real world songs is strictly intentional.

Mark Dawes  |  Dec 31, 2021  |  5 comments
These five excellent vinyl releases from 2021 include a five LP box set and a double LP, so you really get TEN albums for the price of five! If that doesn’t make you want to read on, I give up—come on, I’m killing myself here! You’re driving me out of business! But seriously folks, on the topic of money—I buy all my own records, so please be assured that none of these are promo copies and these recommendations are my personal choices from the crop of 2021.

Malachi Lui  |  Dec 28, 2021  |  6 comments
Unfortunately, we didn’t review in real time every important 2021 release; thankfully, there’s still time to catch up on essential missed albums, EPs, and singles. This is the second of two 2021 Catch-Up Explosions (read the first one here), featuring in alphabetical order 12 more releases.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 27, 2021  |  18 comments
Audiocon Los Angeles scheduled for January 14-16th at the Hyatt Regency, Newport Beach, CA today was officially postponed due to Covid Omicron.

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 26, 2021  |  3 comments
Despite surging Covid Omicron cases, the organizers of Florida Audio Expo 2022 plan on holding the show February 2022. Here's the press release. By the way, there's a new variant called OmicronMQA. You get Covid, and it unfolds in your body smallpox and diptheria (rimshot).

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 23, 2021  |  9 comments
The term “singer/songwriter” hadn’t yet been coined when the “hotter’n a depot stove” 29 year-old songwriter Willie Nelson stepped into the studio to record his debut album for Liberty Records. Back then, you were either a songwriter or a singer, though of course there were a very few who were both. Here, Nelson proves he was one of them

Malachi Lui  |  Dec 22, 2021  |  10 comments
Despite our best efforts, we unfortunately didn’t review in real time every consequential 2021 release; thankfully, there’s still time to catch up on important missed albums, EPs, and singles. Our two 2021 Catch-Up Explosions (of which this is the first) differ somewhat from typical Review Explosions: some of these reviews are shorter than usual, and this time we won’t include sound quality scores (though rest assured, those will remain a site fixture). We won’t be able to cover every worthwhile 2021 release, though it’s possible to provide a reasonably comprehensive roundup of the year in music. The reviews are listed alphabetically, not by merit. Let’s begin!

Nathan Zeller  |  Dec 22, 2021  |  8 comments
“Imagine building or improving your home stereo system in a way that makes your music come alive—like the performers are right in front of you—even on a budget. It’s easier than you think.” - PS Audio

Malachi Lui  |  Dec 19, 2021  |  3 comments
(Vinyl Reports is an AnalogPlanet feature aiming to create a definitive guide to vinyl LPs. Here, we talk about sound quality, LP packaging, music, and the overarching vinyl experience, this time in a shorter format than usual.)

Joseph W. Washek  |  Dec 18, 2021  |  14 comments
If you’re a musician making albums and you’re not a major pop/rock star or you don’t own your own label, the money you make comes with strings attached. To some, they may be invisible—"Hey, that’s what you do to sell records. Right?” To Horace Tapscott, the strings were all too visible and entangling. He wasn’t going to be a puppet dancing for the record companies and the whole system of which they were part.
