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Michael Fremer  |  Nov 20, 2017  |  2 comments
That new record you just unboxed probably came shrink-wrapped or in a perforated sealed bag. Maybe it has a sticker or two on it or it's a numbered limited edition. Watch how all of this happens in this just produced video shot at Furnace Manufacturing with founder Eric Astor. And then go to Furnace's brand new, soon to be operational vinyl pressing plant that will also incorporate the packaging facility, which has outgrown its current location. Furnace began in the 1990s as a production and packaging agent for indie and major labels—perhaps you’re unsure about what that exactly means. After watching the video you will—and perhaps you'll come to appreciate an LP production cost you've not before considered.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 16, 2019  |  2 comments
I'll be spinning records this Thursday evening at Sound by Singer, 242 W. 27th Street, New York, N.Y. 10001. There will be two sessions: one at 7 P.M. and one at 8:30. Please R.S.V.P. by calling (212) 924 8600. Everyone attending these events enjoys themselves, but I enjoy it more. Win-Win for all!
