RMAF 2019

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Michael Fremer  |  Jan 09, 2020  |  29 comments
At the 2019 Rocky Mountain Audio Show, "Cynthia, the Audio Belle" asked if she could interview me. Of course I said "yes" and that turned into 47 minutes worth that she's edited and split into two parts. I'm posting before watching so I hope it's okay!

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 16, 2019  |  9 comments
This final RMAF video includes the Pro-Ject room, an image from which was inadvertently used in a previous video. Also here is the interesting $1699.99 Direct Drive turntable from Cambridge Audio and a few more analog-y items that will be of interest.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 08, 2019  |  15 comments
The only question in need of an answer Friday and especially Saturday was "will they show up". Certainly, while the venue was costly for exhibitors, The Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center is a stellar venue for a hi-fi show. The rooms sounded good, in part because of the non-box room layouts, the elevators worked the best of any show I've attended ever and the Internet was by far the fastest.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 07, 2019  |  58 comments
Yesterday's "Record Cleaning Made Difficult" panel moderated by AnalogPlanet editor Michael Fremer was informative, entertaining and at times quite contentious!

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 06, 2019  |  9 comments
Despite yesterday's rough start (signage, confusion over whether it was set up or press day, etc.) there was plenty to see and record. The sound in the rooms of the sprawling Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center a few miles from Denver International Airport was uniformly decent, which was positively surprising given the usual learning curve required for even the most experienced exhibitors to learn the room acoustics and compensate for the usually poor "hotel sound".

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 05, 2019  |  26 comments
The first day of RMAF pointed out to those attending both the promise and the pitfalls of the new Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center located a few miles from Denver International Airport. The hotel is a sprawling, enormous resort. To navigate your way around requires downloading an app. Seriously. It's that big. You have to plan your time carefully because to get from the tower hotel room exhibits to the Convention Center takes at least 10 minutes and once you are there, arriving at the rooms or the seminar space can take another 10.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 04, 2019  |  5 comments
The first RMAF ever held at the brand new Marriott Gaylord Rockies Resort begins tomorrow morning, Thursday, September 5th. By most accounts, the move to this large, costly luxury venue will be a "make it or break it" year for the RMAF franchise. We wish the organizers a great, well-attended show! Stay tuned.