RMAF 2012

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Michael Fremer  |  Nov 06, 2012  |  1 comments
Sonus Veritas, located in Apex, North Carolina arrived at RMAF with an ambitious electronic line-up that included the $15,999 Genoa preamp, $15,999 Modena D/A converter, price to be determined Florence monoblock amplifier and of greatest interest to you, three versions of its ambitious Venice phono preamplifier.
Michael Fremer  |  Nov 06, 2012  |  1 comments
Lynx Studio Technology, Inc. best known for its studio-grade pro audio gear that includes both stand-alone and computer card based technology arrived at RMAF with a new stand-alone D/A converter.
Michael Fremer  |  Nov 06, 2012  |  1 comments
Channel D, creators of MacIntosh computer based Pure Vinyl and Pure Music software for vinyl ripping and enhanced digital playback introduced a seriously upgraded version of its rechargeable battery powered Seta phono preamp.
Michael Fremer  |  Nov 06, 2012  |  0 comments
Sound-Smith's Peter Ledermann has been a busy fellow! At RMAF he announced, among other things, an upgrade to the sensational sounding Hyperion cactus cantilevered cartridge. The update to the $7500 cartridge includes an improved suspension said to produce superior separation and improved stylus control. The cartridge includes a ten year warranty and a re-tip when necessary.
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 14, 2012  |  3 comments
This little hand held wonder designed by the folks at AMR for their joint venture with i-fi Micro, features MM/MC with up to 66dB of gain on the MC input with claimed 90dB S/N ratio, 8 dip switches each for MC resistance and MM capacitive load settings.
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 14, 2012  |  2 comments
In the same room as the Rigid Float tonearm was this new VIDA MM/MC phono stage from Japan that uses an LCR network for RIAA equalization via Lundahl transformers.
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 14, 2012  |  2 comments
Mr. Hiroshi Ishihara of the Japan-based Sibatech, Inc. showed me the unusual and perhaps revolutionary Rigid Float RFE-02H/7 tonearm. The pivot floats in oil with absolutely no other means of support, but more unusual about this design by Mr. Koichiro Akimoto is that the arm geometry features neither an offset angle at the headshell nor an "S" shaped arm tube!

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 13, 2012  |  6 comments
At CES a few years ago, I walked in on Frank Schröder discussing an idea for a relatively simple pivoted tangential tracking tonearm. Now here at RMAF 2012 the Schröder LT is a reality
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 13, 2012  |  1 comments
Luke Manley looking happy as VTL introduced at RMAF a new under $2500 phono preamp
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 12, 2012  |  2 comments
Audio Research Debuted the new Reference 10 two chassis preamplifier.
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 12, 2012  |  0 comments
Doshi's Alaap MM/MC hybrid FET/vacuum tube fully balanced phono preamplifier offers 3 inputs configurable for MM or MC.
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 12, 2012  |  5 comments
AT RMAF Audio Research launched the new Reference 75 stereo vacuum tube amplifier.
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 11, 2012  |  0 comments
Dynamic Sound Associates' DSA Phono II features three independent inputs featuring both single ended RCA and balanced XLR inputs and a single set of RCA single ended and balanced XLR outputs.
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 11, 2012  |  4 comments
This new M2Tech A/D converter plus MM/MC phono preamp includes 16 equalization curves and a 384K/32 bit analog to digital converter
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 11, 2012  |  3 comments
Legacy loudspeakers have long had a "70s dorm room" look but no more
