Michael Fremer

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 11, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 11, 2016  |  8 comments
Mobile Fidelity introduced at RMAF 2016 its first "one step" record release: Santana's Abraxas.

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 11, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 11, 2016  |  13 comments
This short video makes the point that reel-to-reel tape has finally become a viable playback format if you have the cash to play.

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 10, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 10, 2016  |  6 comments
AnalogPlanet has been covering SweetVinyl's development of its SugarCube SC-2 vinyl recording platform, an easy to use vinyl to high resolution digital recorder that, among other things, pulls album art off the internet and automatically separates album tracks.

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 10, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 10, 2016  |  0 comments
AnalogPlanet doesn't cover headphones. For the best coverage go to our "sister" publication Innerfidelity.
Michael Fremer  |  Oct 10, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 10, 2016  |  2 comments
Here's an all-analog record subscription series you might be interested in helping.

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 10, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 10, 2016  |  2 comments
Sumiko could fill more than a few hotel rooms with all of the Pro-Ject turntables in the company's extensive line that it imports to America, but chose instead to pare it down to a smart few in its own room (other models where sprinkled throughout the show).

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 09, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 09, 2016  |  0 comments
Watch and hear Zesto Audio's veteran designer George Counnas describe his new Andros Tessera phono preamplifier and then Band-Width Audio's young designer Matthew Beardsworth will do likewise for his new Cascode One. Both are vacuum tube-based products.

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 09, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 09, 2016  |  0 comments
In this video you will see a new motor controller from Pear Audio (imported by Audio Skies) that's said to improve the performance of all of Pear Audio's hand-crafted Blue turntables. The $1995 controller also lets you switch speeds at the push of a button. Also, Swiss-made Thales introduces an upgrade to the TTT-2's drive system as well as a newly machined platter that makes easier, removing a record.

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 09, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 09, 2016  |  1 comments
In the Musical Surroundings room at RMAF 2016, Michael Fremer learned about a significant upgrade to AMG's tone arm, saw and heard the new top of the line DS Audio Master 1 optical cartridge and electronics as well as a new Clearaudio turntable upgrade.

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 08, 2016  |  First Published: Oct 08, 2016  |  3 comments
Take a day one walk through the RMAF Market Place area with analog planet editor Michael Fremer
