Munich 2024

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Julie Mullins  |  Jun 18, 2024  |  10 comments

We’re officially wrapping up our Munich 2024 coverage today with the second installment of Julie Mullins’ show report postscript. Read on to see what she found out firsthand about cool new gear from the likes of Benny Audio, Supatrac, Levin Design, Vertere, EAT, Vinyl Acoustic Laboratories, Acoustic Signature, AMG, and Nagra. . .

Julie Mullins  |  Jun 17, 2024  |  6 comments

We still have some more to say about what we saw and heard at Munich 2024. Read on to see the first of two postscript show reports from Julie Mullins, who fills us on cool new gear from the likes of Wilson Benesch, Rui Borges, Kronos Audio, Dual, and Silence. . .

Mike Mettler  |  May 29, 2024  |  3 comments

Continuing with our Munich 2024 catch-up tour, today we’re taking a closer look at another company we weren’t able to spend enough time with at the show itself — Unitra, a Polish manufacturer that offers a pair of intriguing turntables, the GSH-630 Fryderyk and GSH-801 Edmund. Read on to see what these two tables have to offer. . .

Mike Mettler, Ken Micallef  |  May 28, 2024  |  0 comments

After a restful, and quite respectful, long weekend, there’s nothing quite like returning to the analog breach by looking at a wide selection of new turntables and other cool gear shown at Munich 2024 by way of a video shot at the show by esteemed AP contributor Ken Micallef. Read on to see onsite footage of new and current tables from the likes of Garrard, Acoustic Signature, Zavfino, Kronos, Gold Note, and many, many more. . .

Julie Mullins  |  May 23, 2024  |  1 comments

High End Munich 2024 made quite the statement. All throughout the show, the continuing importance of analog equipment and vinyl was emphasized through appearances of and discussions among analog proponents and producers — not to mention just the sheer number of turntables and other analog-associated gear seen at the show. Read Part 1 of Julie Mullins’ Munich show report to see new turntables from the likes of Gryphon, Aries Cerat, Technics, Yuki Precision, Thorens, EMT, Clearaudio, Thales, and more . . .

Mike Mettler, Julie Mullins, Ken Micallef  |  May 22, 2024  |  0 comments

Our Munich 2024 coverage continues! In this installment, ace contributors Julie Mullins and Ken Micallef discuss their experiences in terms of the overall breadth of the show, and they also zero in on some of the high-end analog turntables and other related gear that's been "designed to be both beautiful and functional." Happy viewing. . .

Mike Mettler  |  May 20, 2024  |  8 comments

So many companies, so little time. The AP team didn’t get to spend as much time with everybody at High End Munich 2024 as we would have liked to, so we’ve been doing some post-show follow-ups to cover as many analog bases as we can. The company we’re highlighting today is Benny Audio, founded in 2017 and based in Gliwice, Poland. Their new Odyssey turntable, which was a prototype in 2023, was on display at the show, and is now officially in production. Read on to learn all about the Odyssey’s features and specs. . .

Mike Mettler  |  May 16, 2024  |  7 comments

We’ve still got plenty to report about what we saw and heard at High End Munich 2024, so let’s continue on that tract. Today, we’re going to delve into the TechDAS Air Force V Premium turntable, which was part of an impressive demo system put together by Swedish amplifier designer Engstrom. Read on to see all the specs and features of one of the top-shelf tables from TechDAS. . .

Mike Mettler  |  May 13, 2024  |  4 comments

High End Munich 2024 is officially in the books, but our coverage continues onward. Today, we take a look at Luphonic’s R2 turntable. The R2 is the German manufacturer’s just-introduced, more affordable alternative to their top-tier R3 model. Read on to glean the R2’s feature set and SRP options. . .

Mike Mettler  |  May 09, 2024  |  5 comments

High End Munich 2024 is in full swing, and we’re all over it. Today, we’re taking a look at a stunningly cool collaboration between Technics and Lamborghini that’s resulted in the SL-1200M7B limited edition turntable. Read on to see how these two iconic international brands came together to create such a striking table, as well as what the cool extras that come with it are. . .

Mike Mettler  |  May 08, 2024  |  5 comments

High End Munich 2024 is officially getting underway across the Pond in just a few hours, but we have some more cool new products to look at before the doors open on the show. Today, we’re going to look at a pair of upcoming products from Gryphon — namely, their Apollo turntable and Siren phono preamp. Read on to see what you can expect from both the Apollo and the Siren. . .

Mike Mettler  |  Apr 29, 2024  |  3 comments

Origin Live has given the green light to discuss their plans for what they’ll be showing at High End Munich 2024, and we’re more than happy to share what will be what with the internationally renowned turntable and tonearm company. Read on to see what comprises their Munich system and where it will be located, as well as all the details about the “first European sighting” of their Renown tonearm. . .