Snowstorm?!? Weather here in Belgium: 25°C (equals 77 degrees Fahrenheit).
Feels like we skipped spring and jumped from winter to summer...
AXPONA 2019 Second Turntable, Phono Preamp, Cartridge Round Up
In addition to covering the show, I participated in a panel discussion moderated by DISCOGs' Jeffrey Smith about vinyl investing and I ran a well-attended turntable set-up seminar, as well as spinning records after-hours in the Stenheim speakers room. That was the only available opportunity at AXPONA to listen to music.
AXPONA 2019 was a formidable audio show both in terms of manufacturer and dealer participation and consumer interest. It establishes AXPONA as America's premier consumer audio show. It will be interesting to see how the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest fares this fall!
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Predictions that Ortofon will sue Clearaudio over the right to use 'Jubilee' in the name of a phono cartridge and that MF will be called to testify as an expert witness.
Was that "Weird Al" Yankovic in the video at 21:02?

Yeah, I've met Weird Al some years back. Yes, he is an analog guy at heart. He is a kidder in real life as well, but a really nice guy. Not him in the video, but if I had not met him, I would have asked the same.

I really cannot wait till see what you see in Munich. I home SME makes their announcement vis a vis their Garrard purchase a few years back.

Hate typing through an iPhone. What I meant was, I hope SME will make some sort of announcement on new products in particular new Garrard products, as I believe we are approaching two years since their purchase of Garrard and Loricraft.

...for something time can just whizz by. However it is not yet even a year since SME acquired the Garrard name. It was announced by SME on 1st May 2018.
I understand your desire and Ajay Shirke ( head of Cadence Audio , SME's new proprietor) did mentioned the possibility of a new Garrard product during year two at a press conference. Whether this is to be entirely novel or a reboot of Loricraft's Garrard 501 ( SME purchased Loricraft at the same time) remains to be seen.

Hah! Was thinking as I was writing my initial post, is it one year or two? Nah, said I, you're always surprised how much time has elapsed when you think it hasn't. In this case I guessed wrong. I brought it up as I have an acquintance on social media who has told me of his connections with SME and has told me they are working on something but could not divulge, as he is sworn to secrecy, hence my question.

You must feel like Charlie visiting Willy Wonka. Or 'little John' ;-)... Going from E.A.T. to Shiit really cracked me up (cool company with a clever albeit somewhat immature name).
I love your report(ing). Thank you!