It's definitely worth picking up for a few bucks if it's in NM shape. If you're going to have ONE Cobham record from the 70s, that's the one. Tommy Bolin sounds nice on it too. However there's another, similar fusion record I like more - Alphonse Mouzon's "Mind Transplant" on Blue Note from '74, also featuring Bolin.
Go Record Shopping with Analogplanet's Editor at T.H.E. Show Newport Beach 2013
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I hope that wasn't your hands I saw handling the records, Michael! You are setting a very bad example. Never, Never, Ever, Ever, touch the vinyl, golden rule!
James, Dublin, Ireland
PS: On a serious note, thanks for all the reports from the various shows you have been to recently!

Dear Michael,
I am sorry but I consider watching videos a waste of time. I would like to read what you have to say while listening to music and not having to interrupt what I am listening to in order to watch movies. So I would much appreciate if you'd return to what you do best: writing about music and High End instead of doing videos because it seems somewhat more modern

Could you also go to sonnenwender's house and feed him grapes while he reads your reviews. Perhaps you could just read them to him. You owe him that much.

Good one. I assume there's no puffing in your listening room... lol.. (even I don't).

I especially loved it every time you said something like "do I need this? No, but I'm going to buy it anyway".
We can all identify with that as music lovers\ collectors. l don't want to think about how many albums I have in 2 or 3 formats and even multiple versions (remasterings, pressings, deluxe versions, etc.) in some of the formats.

This vid finished just when the records were getting really interesting !

I find that we have a strikingly similar "method" when it comes to browsing and our criteria for what we put in the purchase like and what goes back, or what we pull out to take a closer look at.
However, I can't believe you put back that phono-finish horse racing record. I've practically been seeking one of those forever with no luck whatsoever.

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