Shanon McKellar

Shanon McKellar  |  Aug 28, 2024  |  First Published: Aug 28, 2024  |  2 comments

Who doesn’t love a great boutique vinyl shop that doesn’t break your cratedigging wallet’s heart? This is a story about Diggers Factory, an online record store that offers so much more than “standard” LPs — things like exclusive releases, color vinyl, merch, accessories, and, yes, even good old-fashioned cassettes. Read Shanon McKellar’s in-depth feature to learn more about how Diggers Factory do what they do, and check out her hands-on reviews on three top-tier current DF vinyl offerings. . .

Mike Mettler,  |  Jul 29, 2024  |  First Published: Jul 29, 2024  |  0 comments

When it comes to vinyl, we’re all about passion — and we here at AP absolutely love the passion that fuels the French boutique label, distributor, and online record store, Diggers Factory. Check out Shanon McKellar’s sneak peek videoclip as she previews some of the Diggers Factory releases she plans to review. . .

Shanon McKellar  |  Jun 11, 2024  |  First Published: Jun 11, 2024  |  9 comments

It’s a rite of passage for vinyl enthusiasts and audiophiles alike to bring home a new turntable, isn’t it? Read on to see how new AP contributor Shanon McKellar feels about the many wonderful listening sessions she’s already experienced with her current, and clearly favorite, Acoustic Solid Vintage Exclusive turntable. . .