Analogplanet Radio Fifth Show Monday August 31st Streaming Live Here

Today's analogplanet radio show may be the best yet in music programming terms.

All records transferred using Continuum Caliburn turntable, Swedish Analog Technologies tone arm, Lyra Atlas cartridge and Ypsilon VPS-100 phono preamp with Ypsilon MC-10L step up transformer.

You can listen to today's show by clicking here

recordhead's picture

Its possible Bowie heard this on Long John Baldry's 1971 album It Aint Easy.

Ortofan's picture

...because doing so results in the following message:

Page Unavailable

The page you requested is temporarily unavailable.

We're redirecting you to the homepage in 5 seconds.

bkinthebk's picture

same. getting a 503 error.

recordhead's picture

Maybe its a browser setting but I've never had an issue getting file. When I click on link it starts downloading vs. streaming. But thats fine by me. Try right click on link and save as...

rtrt's picture

right click download failed.
click and it played
right click download running

Michael Fremer's picture
I just tried (Tuesday A.M.) and it played fine so these issues must be localized...
thomoz's picture

I hear a lot of audio-crackle in these that i am not sure is part of the records - FM modulation noise? Limiter noise? It's as though the bass (not treble) was triggering the crackle.

I was mightily impressed that you are a Bobs fan - I heard that when it was new, a friend who was a vocalist with the ASO played it for me in the eighties.

Michael Fremer's picture
What's causing your issue but it's not on the file that is for sure....
AJMHobby's picture

Great music! A lot of great stuff I have never heard before.

azmoon's picture

..the stream came through fine. The songs you played were quite interesting.