Analogplanet Radio Archives Finally Up and Running

WDFU's archiving system is now fully up and running.

This means you can stream all shows aired since Monday August 31st. There are three from Analog Planet Radio. The shows will be available for two weeks and continue rotating from now on.

To access the site go here. Then click on "shows". Analog Planet Radio is at the top. Click on it and you'll find the three shows.

elmopio's picture

I hope you are still going to post them. Not a fan of streaming. Love taking the show on the road.

biglebowski's picture

Much better when posted as an AIF file. I was able to download and enjoy on my big rig, getting a bit closer to the source. And isn't that (a portion of) what this is all about? ;-)

Pls consider posting as AIF, ALAC or FLAC. Thanks!

musiclover1's picture

have my file please?? Don't cut my APR Collection...! :-((

PaulG's picture

...normally a Podcast (other downloads are available, as the BBC likes to say...)?

Most folks are not tethered to their Flash playing sites. The site reminds of stuff I see on the Wayback machine. :0

Michael Fremer's picture
Well since there are music clearance issues, I cannot legally post a podcast with all of this music, plus it is produced at a radio station that really owns the rights. . For now it is nice of them to allow me to record and post the shows here. I will try to continue doing that for as long as possible.
Irwin's picture

So glad to be able to hear entire shows now...rather than just 15 minutes.

popmat's picture

Trying to get caught up so I listened to the 14th and 21st and then went back to the 7th and Aug.31st. The Sept 7 and Aug 31 are showing as:
"Sorry, the media you have requested has expired."