Would you risk your $22K (plus the price of a tonearm) on this unit when you're rapidly approaching the cost of a VPI Classic Direct Drive Turntable with its own 3D-printed tonearm? Perhaps an SME 20, instead? Or even the upcoming revised Model 10, probably at half the price?
Acoustic Signature Launched Novum Turntable (Video Enhanced)
Acoustic Signature launched Novum, a boomerang shaped turntable (circa $22,000) that can accommodate two arms on sliding mounts and features three synchronous motors and an outboard motor controller. This handsome ‘table uses variants of the company’s unique bearing and platter technologies. Rumors that if you throw one it will return to you are unfounded.
More significantly, the company showed prototypes of a new range of TA-1000 tonearms in 9”, 10” and 12” lengths. The biggest news though was the new soon to be releasedTA9000 that will cost more than $20,000. The arm utilizes a new “printing” technology that produces a unique damping structure within the tube. Watch the video:
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What else?
Submitted by John Macca on Sat, 2014-05-31 11:03
You´re going nuts, all of you! People starving in Africa, socialim rebirth, and a new 22k turntable???

Hey Mikey,
Submitted by deniall on Tue, 2014-06-10 23:07
Hey Mikey,
did you see or hear the new Acoustic Signature WOW XL? It looks fantastic and could be a very worthy entry level table. Any thoughts?