It's been mentioned elsewhere that the designer of the Phasemation cartridges was also responsible for the early 80's era MC-Lxxx cartridges from Victor. Those cartridges featured a coil mounted on the top side of the cantilever, not far behind the location of the stylus. The photo above shows that this technique has not been employed in the Phasemation product. If you have the opportunity to interact with the designer, it would be interesting to know why the "direct-coupled" coil mounting method is not being used now.
Phasemation Introduces Two New (to America) MC Cartridges at Munich High End 2014
Phasemation is a “pet” project of a Japanese industrialist-audiophile who uses his company’s manufacturing prowess (Kyodo Denshi Engineering Co., Ltd) to design and build high performance audio products including a three chassis phono preamp currently under review by me for Stereophile. The company’s specialty is precision measurement equipment for the IT industry.
At the Munich show the American importer AXISS Distribution introduced to me a pair of cartridges previously unavailable in America: the $3800 PP-1000 and the lower cost PP-300. The PP-1000 is a low output (.25mV) model with coils of “six-nines” copper, a boron cantilever and a line contact (0.040 mm x 0.007 mm) stylus.
The $15,000 phono preamp is an impressive sounding product so at $3800 the cartridge could be a real “sleeper” at a very reasonable price in today’s high performance cartridge marketplace.
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Probably sound good, but
Submitted by l5chambre on Sun, 2014-06-08 14:27
Come down to reality. Anything over #3,000 doesn't sell well.