Video Highlights From the New York Audio Show 2022

Our man about town, Ken Micallef, attended the New York Audio Show 2022 last week, and he was ever-so-gracious enough to share video footage with us that shows some of the coolest gear he saw and heard at the show.

A list of the companies highlighted follows the clip itself in order of presentation. Ken also adds the following aural caveat: "Apologies for the static nature of video related to music. YouTube blocked all music played by the systems shown in the video."

Enjoy the clip! And feel free to sound off in the Comments section below if you see something you'd like us to cover in more depth.


Companies shown

Audio Note UK
Treehaus Audiolab
Volti Audio
Triode Wire Labs
Border Patrol
Triangle Art
Linear Tube Audio
Pass Audio Lab
Small Green Computer
Pure Audio Project
Spatial Audio Lab


Roy Martin's picture

I attended the show. The video is fine. But why does it end with (and I am quoting verbatim):

"so long from the greasy big apple, where men are fools, women are jewels, and the rest don't play by the rules, suckas!!!!!!!"

Classic Rap Lyric I'm not familiar with? Possibly. Funny? No.

Bigmule1972's picture

You had me up to…(and I am quoting verbatim)…

I think all the AP members are curious to know more about you, the person that was triggered by his signoff. Is it because Ken used the slanderous term “big apple”??? Would you be willing to write a bit more explaining your innermost thoughts and feelings?

Classic entitled righteousness I cannot related to? Possibly.
Worth my time responding to it? No

Shouldn’t you be outside somewhere screaming and shaking your fists at the sky???

kenmac's picture

My innocuous, hardly-gave-any-thought to signoff, bothered you? That's what you chose to comment on? The signoff mirrors life in modern day NYC. If it insulted you, which it apparently has, I apologize.

Roy Martin's picture

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Roy Martin's picture

Thanks. Much appreciated.