Ortofon Announces New Windfeld Ti Cartridge

The mystery surrounding the April 18th visit by Ortofon's Leif Johannsen can now explained.

The cartridge Ortofon's R&D Chief brought for me to hear and review is the new Windfeld Ti, which replaces the nearly a decade old Windfeld, which was both a tribute to his predecessor Per Windfeld and Mr. Johannsen/s first design for Ortofon.

In this video he explains the significant upgrades he's made to the original Windfeld. The Ti review will appear in a future issue of Stereophile.

Ortofan's picture

... for a step-up device when listening to one of his MC cartridges?
A transformer, such as the Ortofon ST-80 SE, or an active pre-preamp and which one?
Likewise, which turntable and tonearm does he use?

Anton D's picture

4,000 Euros isn't crazy at all.

Can't believe I said that.

Anton D's picture

This new cartridge vs. the Audio Technica ART may be quite a shoot out.