Zesto Audio Introduces Andros Téssera Reference Phono Stage

Zesto Audio recently announced this new super-deluxe Andros Téssera phono stage, which features a new 100% tube analog circuit design featuring "optimized" components and a wide variety of performance and convenience upgrades from its previous reference phono preamp.

Among the claimed performance improvements is a dynamic range increase from 108dBV to 116dBV plus loading on the step up transformer's secondary coil, which puts the load resistor out of the signal path. A front panel situated 12 position MC load per channel offers 1000, 800, 700, 500, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 and 50 ohms.

The circuit features 2 completely independent dual mono channels with LED indicators for A and B. Gain is up by up to 7dB, voltage increased from 250V to 300V, power increases from 52W to 60W for claimed greater high and low frequency accuracy. Current increase from 3.4A to 8A and maximum output goes from 8V RMS to 12V RMS for greater headroom.

The circuit uses new 12DW7 tubes that better drive the output tubes to produce lower noise, more headroom and lower distortion. There's a new dual-chassis external power supply and many, many other design enhancements.

The new Andros Téssora accommodates 4 tonearms, 1 MM and 1 MM per each of the two independent inputs and it saves all settings when switching between the two. It's 100% hand-made in the USA and gets a final 50 hour factory burn in on all circuits before final testing.

The rear view is equally enticing:

The price is $18,000.

volvic's picture

I like the trend I am seeing now with multiple inputs for phono stages - one of the main reasons I bought the Cyrus and its matching power supply; its four inputs is a very helpful for my multiple tables. I suspect the Andros will probably be around $15k-$20k. Would love to hear it.

Michael Fremer's picture
I'm updating the write-up now..
volvic's picture

Because the previous Andros was $5k and the deluxe was $7,500 but then I re-read your post and saw it was "super deluxe" so since gas prices have doubled, this one has gotta start at least $15k. LOL.

rich121's picture

Not true.
The previous Andros Tessora was $13,000.00

rich121's picture

And the phono stage just below the Tessera, the Andros Deluxe II (which I have) retails for $7500.00.

Jazz listener's picture

as soon as my eyeballs spied the price tag, my jaw hit the table and rolled onto the floor. Clearly only for those with the cash for a $40K+ analog front end. I will have to live vicariously through you!

Jim Hagerman's picture

Any info on power supply? Matching chassis? I like the choice of 12DW7 tubes.

That reflection, though - Nakamichi tape deck?

rwwear's picture

The Téssora may sound great but it looks like it was built from scraps of a machine shop floor.

dial's picture

Sorry but following your listening test I bought a Micromega Mygroov hugely discounted by the prévious owner for 85$ in black finish (I read the white becomes yellow with time, don't know if it's true). Only problem it's not adjustable but following my love for vinyl I bought (new this time, stop to vintage *) a FX-AUDIO BOX02 fully switchable (this time in white to match my second preamp -don't ask me the brand but if you insist a 3D. Lab Dac Nano wit a Real cable ADC).
Ah and I love your reviews, you're VERY talented.

* it seems the firm producing it is no more in business

rabov's picture

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ryanrobbie's picture

It features a new 100% tube analog circuit design with "optimized" components mapquest driving directions

cixiken110's picture

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