Rega RP1 Turntable and the Rega Fono Mini A2D USB Phono Preamplifier From Music Direct Sweepstakes
Get spinning vinyl in style with the Rega RP-1 turntable and the Rega Fono Mini A2D USB Phonostage. According to Music Direct, "this complete analog package gives you everything you need to play your records and transfer them into your computer."
Click here for more info.
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Good reading and good spinning for the new site. Those big black cd's still sounding good.
I have a bunch of records, but no turntable. I really need this!
I would love to have this one.
Hello. Frequent visitor, first time joiner. Would love a chance to win a Rega. Cheers.
Brick are you just listening to things in the office, and saying that you love them.
Do you really love music, or are you just saying that because you heard it?
I recently purchased a new amp and speakers and would love to share a review of the Rega on
I'd sure like to win! The college budget is a bummer =/
My system is all digital at the moment; please send help!
Nice prize package! Crossing those fingers.....
Like the new site. Would also like the turntable.
Just can't seem to come up with the money needed to get one........
I love British HiFi, especially the Rega analog gear!
This will sound great with my upgraded Jolida 502 tube amp!
Please choose me as I need to be able listen to some blues while dealing with my divorce!!
"My baby done left me all alone cuz I aged way before my time"
My daughter just asked me for a TT and this would be perfect!
I'd love to win this fine combo... would be the big boost my home system really needs!!!
This would be awesome to win!! Oggle...
... but alas, I am broke ass poor. So while my ears can't stand music coming from crap sources, my wallet says silence will have to do... or maybe I could win this and life could be awesomastic!?
I have an old Gemini XL400 belt drive turntable I bought years ago with a Shure cartridge. Recently purchased a Denon DL110 MC but haven't tried it out yet - would LOVE to hear it on the REGA with an NAD PP2 Step-up!
I would LOVE to enter the vinyl world and this will get me there!!!!!! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help a person out
MMM vinyl
This would be a perfect way to break into the analog music scene!
...and nothing to spin it on currently. Would love a new TT! *sniffle*
I take one please.
I'm here to win it!
I love my vinyl send me this device and it will be treasured!
Need new turntable to replay the hundreds of vinyl albums I have sitting in the basement. Will keep me from having to repurchase some great old and out-of-print jazz and classical music. Nice site, by the way.
This would be a nice upgrade
Alas, as i'm in Canada, guess that counts me out. Oh well, guess i'll have to buy one.
Great prize though.
Me too, please.
Yes, please!
I want to win!
Simply stated, I would love to win.
Thank you!
Could you also throw in a McIntosh MA-6900? Thanks!
What a great prize. Good luck everyone!
But maybe the RP1 is better - the only way I'll find out is if you give me this one to test 8-)
Needledrops here I come!
This is a great combo to convert analog to digtal for those times when you can't spin vinyl, like in the car. Listen to vinyl though. Your ears will thank you.
Would be nice to win!
I would enjoy this turntable.
Looks good!
I have always enjoyed Rega products. Very musical. Nice new site, Michael. Thanks for helping keep Analog and Vinyl alive.
I want to go back where I started in the '70's - a new TT would help. Thanks!
I want one!
need new turntable mine has a humm hummm
hu mmmmm I hope I win!!! I will buy some new phono interconnects IF I do win!!!
I would like to win
Wishing myself good luck at winning!!!
My Technics 1200s need an audiophile brother.
Looking forward to listening on the new gear!
Here's goes nothing.
My Music Hall turntable's motor just started making an awful shriek. I'm going to try to lube the proverbial shaft, but a new Rega would sure be a cooler solution. Cheers! -Tom
It would be great to win!!
Bring it on home!
I would like to compare this to my Denon DP60!
in to win!
I have been letting my oldest son listen to my vinyl recently and he is getting more and more interested in it. Would love to give him this turntable along with an original, unopened "Imagine" album I have that I bought as a kid and never played since I had a second one given to me as a gift.
Looking forward to visiting this 'planet' again and again. Good luck with it.
I will throw my hat into the ring.
Me please
I've just started getting into all of this stuff while over here in Afghanistan. This would be awesome to add to the setup I'm prepping for when I get back to the states!
I would play non-stop with my Naim Nait XS and Dynaudio Contour S1.4!
I would love to be able to listen to the records I have........this would be awesome!
Among many vinyl albums, I have a treasured collection of Beatles LPs pressed in Japan and would love to hear how they'd sound on this player! have this contest. Let fate decide. Thanks!
Ahh, yes, a turntable my wife will permit in the living room!
really need a new turntable................!!!
Need to hear that analog sound again. My albums are currently resting to live another day. Sad, I know!
Sounds great. Just signed up, logged in, and would like to enter. Thanks for the offer!!!
A free Rega RP1? Why not? Just what the doc ordered!!!!!!
Ooooo~ that is so nice I want to make love to it~ I would love to win one~!
It's been over ten years since my Dual 1019 with Sure V15 Type Vmr has been useable. The speed cannot hold constant. I miss the vinyl sound. This would be great to get me back "on the wagon!" This would especially help out for the vinyl releases that have not been moved to CD, MP3 or high-resolution sound files (audio-files?). Just think, you could save my sanity, brain and ears! (Well, one out of three isn't bad.....if you happen to be talking about batting average.) Thanks for the fish and "Enjoy the Music!"
I would be pleased to be presented with the prizes you have selected.
...and my son might even listen to some of my vinyl on this!!!
Had a Planar3 back in the 80's. Upgraded to something much more expensive. Curious on how much the Rega sound has progressed since.
a great, easy way to get into vinyl. Count me in
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Pick me, pick me!
Hello Employees Of Analog Planet & Music Direct,
Good Day To You All!
If yours truly is chosen as the recipient of this covetous prize, you can count on me to have and to hold, to cherish, nay, adore this immaculate conception of artistic design and brilliantly engineered handiwork to the utmost of my ability. I shall treat the phonograph as an offspring of my very own, and raise and nurture it with great care and endearment. You have my word.
I shan't violate her with the likes of unintelligent, distasteful melodies from the dingy lair of popular music icons, who tend to butcher their works with artificially conceived tones and sour, automatically-generated vocals. This would be an imposterous act, and such rubbish shall never touch the beautiful surface of this machine which seems as it has been gifted to this mortal world from the gods.
One more time let me emphasize my longing for the possession of this superordinate music player with this simple analogy: Imagine a marsupial struggling to survive in the frigid klondike region of Canada, while attempting to care for her young. Though this animal has wandered far out of it's native environment and found itself in a predicament of seemingly insurmountable despair, it no less has an obligation to protect it's young and provide it with a mother's love and care at all costs than it did in it's native region. Because she has been entrusted with the care of this precious youth, she is unconditionally tied and held accountable to the result of this baby's existence. This is her only choice. Whether she enjoys attempting to sustain the child's lifespan or not, she must replace the desires of her heart with the needs of her offspring. She must place the child in her pouch and carry on as far as she can with the intent of reaching her home once again. Likewise, I would treat the entrustment of this fantastic turntable in the same manner. Please, allow me to "place the child in my pouch" and become one with the device. I believe she would be happy to have me as her loving master and accompany me on the journey through the cold, dark region of life, as she pleases me with her sweet melodies and encourages me to trudge on to the finish.
Thank You For Your Consideration.
-JR (Lover of Music)
rega me
Mr. Fremer, Thanks for continuing to provide analog info in an increasingly digital world.
since I've listened to my vinyl collection.
This would be a great way to get back into the groove!
Having some modern equipment would be nice!
I am a newbie to vinyl and have I would love to win the Rega player and Amp. I have just subscribed to the Stereophile digital. I use your reviews as a way to buy stuff. I would love to win. I can not stand mp3 or cd that flat and lifeless. I am now buying Vinyl left and right so I can really how the artists was trying to produce the music!!!
Please, please pick me!!!
I will win, no doubt...thanks in advance for the great gear!...
and for all those who helped me win this great gear I thank you; I thank my mom and dad for bringing me into this world so I would win this great gear....thanks to everyone...
Would love to win this so I can intorduce my nephews to vinyl.
I've been eye balling this record player for a good little while. I've got a mountain of vinyl that hasn't been played in years and ready to readjust the ears back to that analog wave where everythings warmer minus the 0's and 1's and digitized decay but need a fine machine like this rega to make it happen!
I so need this to complete my all British hi-fi setup! Long live Rega, Naim, Quad, and all others!
Good luck everybody :)
I would love to win so I can give it to my wife's cousin, who's current turntable only tracks with a nickel on the headshell!! HELP ME SAVE HER RECORDS BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!
Nice site Mike, what I say is, its about time all us appreciaters of real music, not silicon approximations, had a site dedicated to the persuit of musical excellence through the use of a diamond ploy in a vinyl drainage ditch, who knew we were so right in being retro? good luck and many thanks.
Loving the new site, keep up the good posting!
What a Deal!
I was already planning on buying one
but it would be really cool if I won one...
This is a very cool prize
My parents recently pulled down all the vinyl I had as a kid from the attic, and gave them to me, I'd love to win this and play these things!
Just started with you after the Home Theater Geeks podcasts. What a wonderful site for us Geezer Geeks! Love all music 'cept Gangster Rap. Been collecting since 1965 Rubber Soul purchase! Glad to have found the site!