I am aware that GENERALLY SPEAKING, MC is a better cartridge that MM, assuming your equipment can boost the signal. What exactly is Moving Iron? when previously looking at his website, I thought his Moving Iron was a Magnet. So...What is a Moving Iron cartridge? where (GENERALLY SPEAKING OF COURSE) in the hierarchy is moving iron? Are there any inherent advantages or disadvantages?
Music Hall Demos New Soundsmith Designed Moving Magnet Cartridge
Soundsmith is best known for its extensive line of moving iron cartridges and its specialized line of Strain Gauge cartridges.
Music Hall's Roy Hall said he was really happy with the prototype's sonics but a great deal of work remains to be done as the sample being played in the Music Hall room is both large and at 16 grams massive.
Soundsmith's Peter Ledermann told me not to worry: the size and weight issues are easily solved.
Music Hall expects to begin selling the MM line later this year or early next at the latest. Prices TBD.
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Moving Iron and Moving Magnet are closer. You don't see megabuck MM or MI carts like you do for MC. I have no idea if that helps you; it wouldn't help me establish a hierarchy since there are critical variables to consider.
As for the design differences, Google told me at the other end of the cantilever is either a permanent magnet or piece of iron. When vibrated near a coil, either will produce current.

they have several statement/reference models in the $1000+ range.

Alas, like the inflation in most audio, $1000 is no longer considered megabucks, but really only entry level! :{