I did contemplate the Goldnote when I was trying to decide which phono preamp I should buy. In the end, I settled for the Mission Cyrus with the external PS because it offered 4 inputs and remote control adjustments. No regrets about the purchase it is the finest phono pre-amp I have ever owned. However I do love the phase inversion that Goldnote offers, sometimes I have noticed certain older recordings can sound a little funny without phase inversion.
Gold Note Debuts Full Featured PH-1000 MM/MC Phono Preamp
The 100% made in Italy PH-1000 (can that really include all of the caps, resistors etc.?) features 3 independent inputs, two RCA and one XLR. Two additional inputs, one RCA, one XLR can be used either for external load plugs to produce fine tuned resistive loading or as line inputs for use with the Class A headphone amplifier and output jack.
7 gain and 12 resistive load levels plus 6 capacitance options should produce perfect across the board cartridge matching. All adjustments can be made "on the fly" and while the modern interface is in the digital domain, all signal processing is independent and 100% analog. All functionality is managed through audio-grade components and sealed signal switches that shorten the signal path.
Additional functionality includes stereo/mono switching, phase inversion , L/R channel swapping and a subsonic "rumble" filter. Also included, for your use or abuse are 40+ EQ curves including RIAA, Capitol, Columbia/CBS, Deutsche Grammophon, Decca London USA and Decca London UK (bullshit warning here, as there is no such thing as a difference between UK Decca and USA London records pressed in the U.K.). Other claimed curves include Mercury, RCA Victor, Philips, Elektra and more (in the stereo era all of these companies used the RIAA curve). There's also "proprietary technology inspired by" the Neumann constant, (which is best ignored IMO). A Smartphone app lets you "see" the PH-1000 in your living room" or in whichever room you use for your audio system.
The price was not included in the press release.
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Why is this not universal?

I owned a PS Audio GCPH and I loved this feature! Then I traded it in at PS Audio for the Stellar ($1750! with GCPH trade) and the one thing I missed was the mono switch. It really solidifies the image (even without Mono cartridges)...

A web search turned up a retailer selling it for $9635.00.

They will tell you everything you wanna know except the price.
Another site just posted the new Wilson Alexx V release ad....same thing.

You don't really mention what you're referring to.

...that ivansbacon meant the price was more than he could stand.
$9635 is also way, way beyond my price range.
If you can swing it, it does sound like a super phono preamp.

With the increasing cost of phono preamps reviewed, soon we'll got one for the FM acoustics RESOLUTION SERIES 223 PHONOMASTER (with cable & denoiser).