Anyone who downloaded the files already knew this since the filenames identified them.
I downloaded them on Friday and just figured they had already been identified.
Some interesting notes:
I took the 2014 remaster file and shortened it down to about 30seconds with the same exact 30 seconds also from the 2014 24/96k files. I dis a Dr measurement (in Foobar2k) and found there was quite a channel imbalance in the vinyl version (sorry but I forget which channel). Could be the cartridge or the A/D converter front end or both ?
I then adjusted the gain of both channels to match (within .1Db) the edited HD tracks file. They sound very close so I now do think the vinyl was from these files.
Spectral analysis of both 30 second clips was only different at the extreme frequencies with the vinyl rolled off above 15khz.
The 24/96k HD tracks clip had some low level energy that peaked at 30khz. That was completely gone from the vinyl.
Oddly the low bass below 40hz was rolled off on the HD tracks clip but there was some energy there on the vinyl clip ??
Could be some rumble or feedback (if music was playing thru speakers) ??
I totally agree with Michael's comments about this remaster and like many wish I had got back into vinyl while the Classic version were still in print. They were already ridiculously over priced and even be worth more now ??