Mr. Fremer: Sorry to disturb your forum again but something is wrong again.
This is what you posted the first time in the Technics review:
""" Next I used the Acoustical Systems SmartTractor to precisely measure the pivot to spindle distance, which not surprisingly was far greater than 222. The measured number plus the 17mm overhang spec produced an effective length of 254mm, similar to that of Immedia's two arms. """
I gave you ( posted there. ) this answer:
""" I can't really be sure that tonearm/cartridge alignment set up was " correctly " as you said.
There are some interesting points to consider: the longer Technics effective length was 250 mm in the EPA 100 design where in the 1200 was 230 mm. Makes " no sense " that suddenly Technics decided to have 254 mm as you said.
Now, the Löfgren alignment solutions, A and B, tell us that using the IEC standard with an effective length ( one of the 3 input parameters in his equations. ) of 254 the overhang ( with either solution. ) is not 17 mm.
In the other side you measured the pivot to spindle distance as 237 mm and this is the only true parameter you have on hand and for this parameter the effective length with Löfgren solutions never is 254 mm as you pointed out...........................................................................................................................................
There is something that makes sense to me in the technics original alignment and I'm not saying it's the way technics did it but:
as I said the long effective length in a Technics tonearm was choosed by them as 250 mm. In the other side normally/many japanese tonearms comes with the Stevenson alignment in their specs and if we take 237 mm P2S distance ( that you measured. ) it is extremely centered at an effective length of 250 mm using Stevenson alignment. """
The key word in all these alignment subject that you did not take in count the first time and neither today is: STEVENSON.
That's the kind of alignment that almost all japanese tonearms manufacturers choosed for its arms and this is what makes the difference.
Technics is not wrong in the brochure specs the real effective length is 239mm. that if you make Stevenson A IEC calculations coincide with the offset angle/overhang in that brochure. I have to say: " almost coincide ", but this is normal in almost all japanese tonearms alignment specs where almost no single japanese tonearm even exactly the alignment calculations but nearer it.
Rigth now I'm not to sure what you measured because you said that adding the overhang of 17mm yo have 254mm, then you must measured 237mm P"S distance from the smart protractor. The problem here is from where you took those 17mm on Technics overhang ( you said: specs. ). Even here with your measured P2S value Stevenson alignment is the key not Löfgren A or B. Technics is a japanese design with a japanese audio culture.
There in Japan and with tonearms Stevenson is the name of the game.
Either way that Technics tonearm effective length is not 254mm, it can't be. Is shorter than that number.
In the other side you can be sure that Technics knows very well what means effective length and its difference with P2S distance. As I said they can't be wrong about. Certainly I can't put my " hands on fire " because Technics.