I've been closely following the ADC articles as that is next in my system plan. The price drop moves the Joplin to the top of my list. :)
M2tech Joplin A/D Converter Gets Mk2 Update (Revised 4/9/2015)
According to Mark Gurvey, of importer Source Systems, Ltd. the M2tech JoplinMk2's upgrades include an updated FPGA (field programmable gate array) input chip, improved signal to noise ratio and lower total harmonic distortion and other electronic improvements that can be accessed on the company's website.
M2tech says: "we have also reduced the 0dB sensitivity to 2.55Vrms in order to cope with digital sources which usually output between 2Vrms and 2.5Vrms. The impedance values set includes 47K with 3 different capacitance values (0pF, 100pF and 220pF), as well as a 15K value which is good for some high output MC, plus various low impedance values from 1000 Ohms down to 20 Ohms. Also, we have enabled the VU-meters with the digital input (as well). Finally, we have introduced a numeric gain factor in order to match the clip indication with the 0dB (rightmost) LED in the VU-meters. This implies that now equalized files use all the dynamic headroom allowed by the chosen resolution, while the old Joplin had a typical loss of 6-8dB.”
Two stand out upgrades: as the photo shows, the ridiculous LED obscuring mesh front piece has been eliminated and, despite the many tech improvements, the price has been reduced from $2899 for the original Joplin to an MSRP of $1999 for the Joplin Mk2. The price for the remaining stock of the original Joplin has been reduced to $1699. Joplin2 will be available in the United States mid to late April, 2015.
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What's going to sound better? Vinyl played through a decent setup, or ripped to digital through a decent setup?
If its a AAA vinyl, wouldn't converting it to digital loose something?
I have never needle dropped so I am curious.
Also, if its the same quality comverted, then why even have a turntable?
I just don't understand, why spend thousands on a decent turntable setup and then spend more money on a decent A-D converter setup just to listen to it in digital?????
Isn't vinyl all about spending the time to listen to the music and appreciate the higher quality?
I understand if you have some super rare vinyl that was never released on cd or digital and you want to needle drop to be able to listen to it at friends houses or in the car, iPod etc
Apart from that, what's the point? I hear people say that its for archival purposes. So does that mean that once converted it will sound exactly the same, so no need to listen to the vinyl format? If not, then how is it archiving if it doesn't sound as good as the vinyl?
If you have a decent turntable setup, your vinyl shouldn't be getting damaged much anyway, so just listen to it the way it was meant to be. SPINNING. Not in a dehumidified chamber all sealed away whilst you listen to the digital rip of it.
Michael, tell me I'm wrong?

Hi cooker,
I can tell you my experience, I absolutely agree with you that spinning is the best way, but I like to listen to this magic too in situations where I don't want to set up the vinyl, or simply I can't because I am out.
Also in the family there are others that love the vinyl sound too but are reluctant to all the vinyl "mess",and others prefer not to "touch" daddys expensive toys... :-)
What I do at home is rip the vinyl at 192/24 keeping the Flac files in the NAS where everyone has access. So, for instance, I can listen to that from bed while reading with my dragonfly red and B&W P7 headset. (I reached this site cause I am evaluating acquiring the joplin to upgrade my setup).
So, to me it is great to have the chance to replicate with the closest fidelity possible the sound coming out of the vinyl when reproduced with excellent equipments, it is a matter of flexibility.
Kind regards