Looks of the speaker is taking it's cues from Davone Audio Ray-S. http://www.davoneaudio.com
Love the mid century modern look. I could do without the commercial though....
The new sf16 is a limited to two hundred units per year compact, self-contained device that includes a pair of motorized, retractible powered satellites and a subwoofer. The design includes bespoke drivers in "push-push" configuration (satellites and sub) and Class "D" amplification. The satellites are of aluminum. The subwoofer/base is of a unique shaped multi-ply wood around which Sonus Faber wraps genuine wood veneer.
The sf16 incorporates multiple digital inputs and an analog input but it's really meant to be used with DTS's new Play- Fi™ wireless player that can stream up to 192/24 bit into up to eight separate locations within a Wi-Fi network. The DTS app is iOS but not Mac compatible, which means Apple people can stream full resolution audio from their iPhones and iPads but not from their Mac computers.
The design is based upon Sonus Faber founder the late Franco Serblin's original speaker system referred to as "The Snail", though because of the terms of the sale of Sonus Faber, Mr. Serblin's name was not referred to during the launch.
Only two hundred of these units, which will sell for approximately $9000 (when the final price is announced it will be here) will be built annually. All of the first year's production run was immediately snapped up by the distributors and dealers. The sf16 is designed and manufactured in Italy.
The week long event attended by WOM's worldwide network of dealers and distributors as well as executives of McIntosh, Audio Research, Sonus Faber, Wadia, the Pryma (the new Sonus Faber headphone brand) and journalists is being held at the Forte Village Resort on the Italian island of Sardegna (Sardinia).
Later today attendees will have a chance to listen to the sf16 as well as many other new products including Audio Research's "Foundation" line of tube electronics that includes a $7500 stereo tube amplifier, a DAC and a preamplifier, all of which take their styling cues from the recently launched Reference series.
Taking the stage at the end of the morning's launch was WOM's charismatic CEO Mauro Grange and Charlie Randall WOM's COO and McIntosh President.
At 2014's launch of the limited edition Extrema loudspeaker, the entire production run immediately sold out, probably producing sufficient revenue to cover the event's considerable costs. No doubt the immediate sale of the first two hundred sf16s covered much of the cost of this first WOM worldwide convention. A cynic might be cynical, but I think it's a brilliant way to do business! As for the sexually charged, innuendo-laden video, your call!
Looks of the speaker is taking it's cues from Davone Audio Ray-S. http://www.davoneaudio.com
Love the mid century modern look. I could do without the commercial though....
"Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a designer of erectile tabletop lifestyle hi-fi's!"
here to mention that the first thing that hit me upon seeing the picture was The Jetsons. Yes, The Jetsons were cool, sorry. However, at the price point for this gizmo, I just don't see the average earbud portable audio person biting at all. This is a toy for the well-heeled portable audio enthusiast in my opinion. I'll say this though, I like the Jetsons looks and the concept with the motorized speakers and all for fun, just not something I would personally consider for purchase. (Of course, I am also not of the phone and earbud crowd either, not that their is anything wrong with that except the obvious hits to sound quality).
The machine looks beautiful
9 freaking k, though... Looks better than the star wars Devialet, same target customers.
I dont understand the value proposition unless you get the power to attract girls like the one in the video when you get one of those...
Not me. In tube we trust
...women go (disproportinately) more for real estate than cars or stereos. They (some) even like dogs far better than stereos. This is a mixed mataphore of sorts in that the guy has all three.
the speakers will only extend upward in the presence of a beautiful Italian model.
It reminds of a BOSE ad -- Room filling sound in a small size.
First off what is with all these "presenters" trying to mimic Steve Jobs? It's nothing more than a stylized Bose Wave radio which is nothing more than a lifestyle boombox. OMG, it has motorized speaker pods! LOL what a joke.
The Bose Wave radio has been a cash cow for Bose for decades.
If this model were to do the same for SF, how,would that be a bad thing? Why shouldn't one be in every tony Manhattan loft and Santa Monica condo along with the Sub-Zero or Viking appliances?
They can't survive by selling five or six pairs of Il Cremonese a year.
How'd it actually sound? I'm always leery of one-unit players
I missed the "near chaos."
Would you confirm DTS Play-Fi capabilities? I see to recall from another report on the sf16 that Play-fi downsamples the hi-rez files to 16/44 in order to be able to synch with other play-fi devices. Is that true?