I don't see any retailers carrying at the moment (in the US, anyway)
Allsop Brings Back the Orbitrac
For those unfamiliar, the Orbitrac is a record cleaning accessory. It was part of Michael Wayne's pre-cavitation obsessive record cleaning regimen and probably still a great way to start cleaning very soiled and/or contaminated records, before using cavitation or vacuum cleaning for that a matter.
We gave out the corporate email address so readers could lobby for it. Then sadly Brett Allsop was killed in a single car automobile accident back in the spring of 2010. A reader forwarded this email:
My name is Linda Pilon, I am personal assistant to the Allsop family. Brett Allsop passed away in a single car accident back on August 18th, I have attached a copy of the local newspaper article about Brett. In regards to the record cleaner we do not have any plans at this time to restart production on this item.
Don't know if Linda is still at Allsop, but finally, the Oribtrac is going back into production:
-- Linda Pilon
Corporate Administrative Assistant
Allsop, Inc.
Bellingham, WA 98227-0023
T 360-734-9090x371 F 360-733-4302
linda.pilon@allsop.com www.allsop.com
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It is a nice thing that old valued accessories are being put back into pproduction. A vibrant market must be the reason.
Also good to see from the video that the foldable work pad has been retained. I have found it so useful for general record fettling duties beyond use of the Oribitrac itself.
Even as a user of a cavitaion machine I can still see many uses for a new Orbitrac.

Just discovered an Orbitrac 2 with bottles of cleaner and brand new replacement pads. Also found some
TM-7XH SuperFluid. Michael what do you think of using a couple of drops of Torumat on pad and then rinsing with distilled/reverse osmosis/water of choice for used dirty records?

but just in case,I find Biodegradable White board cleaner first, then distilled water or similar does a very good job.
Both times using separate directional brushes or pads.

According to the youtube page at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5SaGF-2JLI
they will be displaying at CES 2017, Booth # 30912 LVCC South Hall 3.

I have one of these Orbit record cleaning kits I purchased in 2005 or so. While it's decent the SpinClean is a much better setup to effectively clean records. I never was very confident this really cleaned my records all that well and it's hard to keep the pads clean. There's also a chance of damaging your records if you slip up.

that I got from you Michael and it still works flawlessly.

I did have the Orbitrac for a while in the 00s but sold it on eBay since it wasn't getting used. I felt the set-up of it was a bit tedious when I could clean faster with a Nitty Gritty. I wouldn't mind re-visiting the product now that I have more time to engage with it. I do still get excellent results though with my vintage Discwashers and *real* D3 and D4 fluids (still in my stock) for those records only needing a little touch-up. Enjoy!