It would be nice to know how good this package is, I have a couple of friends who are in the market for an entry-level turntable.
Audio Technica's New AT-LP60XBT-USB Fully Automatic Turntable Features Wireless and USB Connectivity
No set up is required. The cartridge integrated into the tonearm is "ready to go". The stylus is user replaceable (ATN3600L). With its built in phono preamp and Bluetooth output, the AT-LP60XBT-USB can stream directly to Bluetooth headphones or loudspeakers. The USB output can be connected to a computer to produce digital audio files using your choice of software. Despite the many features and low price, the platter is of die-cast aluminum and the power supply is external to keep noise away.
Obviously this new Audio Technica falls below this site's normal budget minimum but might it make a good intro turntable for a really young person? Or being fully automatic might it be a good choice for an elderly person who still wants to play his or her records but hasn't got the dexterity to handle a manual 'table? I think so. Instant poll: how many readers would like this reviewed, with music files included?
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curiosity's sake, but would never consider recommending it to anyone out of high school. An extra $50-100, depending on the street price, just gets you so much more. If Grandpa really needs an automatic (new) in the general price range, he should spring for the $200 AT-LP3. The young hipster should grab an Orbit or Crosley C10. Personally, I'd steer the high schooler to a Crosley C6 at <$150.

... considered essential, I'll second the recommendation to fuggedabout reviewing the AT-LP60XBT-USB and instead review the AT-LP3.
The AT-LP3 has standard 1/2" cartridge mounting and includes the AT91R cartridge, which tracks at a more record friendly 1.5-2 grams.

The subject of the most affordable (aka cheapest) TT system for those getting into records is a frequent question on multiple audio and general interest fora.
Does this clear that first hurdle and any others? What kind/level of audio chain, if any, is it best matched?

...I will listen to the files.
A certain young 'un in my family started spinning vinyl on his own when he was 12, because it sounded better! His current "state of the art" is a used AT-LP120 that he discovered sounded better when he bypassed the internal pre and plugged it into a circa late 70's Sony receiver with phono in. Point is, entry level has a place to groom the next wave.

Yes The old Phono stages sound great & can be utilised for starter systems sometimes out perform the newer build in phono stages.

If folks just want to play vinyl let us see how well it can be done for under $200. A fun science project. It will be fun to see if the phono preamp will ultimate hold this TT back.

We bought our grandson an entry level deck with phono pre and knew enough not to buy a Crosley chewer or total crapola player.
Cannot remember the model but similar to this deck a few years ago.
I think on it's face it appears it might be the best budget deck for starting out but will defer to you for a judgment Mr. Fremer.

Mikey will be doing consumers a favor by reviewing this turntable and an even greater favor by offering alternates (with improved sound quality) in a similar price range.
I have seen YT videos where the mechanics of the arm are explained (both down force and anti-skate), it is not as crude as it might first appear. The cartridge is the well respected ATN3600L but it is a heavy tracker at 3.5g.
I've often wondered if plastic plinth resonances (in this and more expensive AT models) could be improved with No-Rez style damping material (used in speakers).

If Stereophile can recommend the $60/pr Dayton B652 speakers, surely a review of a table in this price segment is warranted.
And those speakers aren't awful. I have a pair in the rec room.

I'm also game for a review with sound files!
The LP60 is already a pretty good (and very user-friendly) entry-level turntable. It's not the highest-of-fi, natch, but it's a heck of a lot better than some of the other garbage (Crosley/Victrola/etc.) that's marketed toward folks not looking to sink thousands of dollars into a setup.

I know audiophiles typically don't care for automatic turntables but some do and I wish that there were more on the market. Also, one would politely suggest that mentioning that while you can't change the cartridge, you can upgrade the stylus to a very affordable Pfanstiehl or similar. Or better yet, possibly compare the stylus to the upgraded one.

Or, some dirt cheap turntable that will accommodate a 1/2" standard mount cartridge.

I know audiophiles typically don't care for automatic turntables but some do and I wish that there were more on the market. Also, one would politely suggest possibly comparing the stock stylus to one like the Pfanstiehl.

I am known as the stereo geek among many folk who ask for recommendations just like this. They will (most likely) never be at our level of audiophilia but it's nice to have a stable of modest gear to point them to. I'd appreciate your review. Thanks!

Yes but I would prefer an AT-LP3 like Ortofan said, only 20$ more and looking like a real record player.

Since the T1SB was recently favorably reviewed, it would be good to see what $200 or so gets you.

... or an earlier version of the same model as the “demo” turntable for the records at CD Cellar in Falls Church, Va, through a very modest set of headphones. My expectations (as with most record store demo rigs) were low. I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised....

... I have my old Denon DP 7F (my starter turntable back in the 80s), with an AT cartridge I got from LP Gear a few years ago, in my bedroom, and I drift off to sleep every night to the soothing sounds of vinyl without having to worry about picking up the tonearm. Pure bliss!

My 4 year old daughter is close to ready for her own turntable. Would love to know the best/easiest for young kids at low/low-ish prices.

turntables available at low prices, then maybe the $100 C3 and the $180 C6 are prospects.
Cheap as it is, the C3 has a conventional looking tonearm that takes 1/2" mount cartridges, while the C6 is the same price as the A-T models being considered.

I had no idea that Crosley had anything else than the usual red-stylus groove grinders. I wouldn't expect that the ones you listed are hidden gems or anything, but I am curious as to whether those are decent starter decks too.
I also wonder if it's too little too late. Although it doesn't seem to hold them back from shifting units to novices, the name Crosley has become shorthand for sloppy, heavy-tracking garbage.

I didn't know Crosley produced anything worthy of investigation. Mikey should definitely compare Crosley vs AT using the same ATN3600L cartridge!

One way I know the vinyl resurgence is real is the increasing number of non-audio-nerd friends (or friends of friends) who hear music at my place and then ask me to recommend a table for them. Is this a familiar thing to anyone else here?
I ask the budget, and it's almost always < $200. If the person is passionate about music I always tell them to spend more and get a U-Turn (if decor is a consideration) or a used/vintage Technics (if they're the fiddly type). But this table is always on the list to at least hit their initial price expectation and steer them away from those "cute" Crosleys.
I'd love to read your review and hear files!

The price of used vinyl is getting crazy! We don't need more young people discovering our secret! We know that this table will sound wonderful with nice vinyl compared to most 179.00 digital rubbish. Ha, I jest... please review it. I am asked all the time to recommend an entry level table by young and old alike. But when I tell them they will need a receiver or something with an analog RCA or phono stage , that confuses them. This would be a no brainer. Bluetooth everyone knows. And later, they move up the chain....

A review of any quality fully automatic TTs (are there any?) would be a very good read. You yourself are approaching a certain age where one day you might not have the motor skills to deal with a manual TT. It would be good information and perhaps a company like Technics might be able to take a 1200 unit and make a fully automatic one (incl remote?) Just a thought.

... fully-automatic turntable would be the Thorens TD-148A.
US dealer prices are about $2,000.
While the Thorens site shows that the turntable comes fitted with an Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge, some dealer sites instead show a Thorens TAS267 cartridge, which appears to be an OEM version of the Audio-Technica AT-95E.