…but that old arrogance eventually raises its ugly head!
Tapestry Mobile Fidelity One-Step Versus ORG Standard Pressing (Time Line Correction)
So, thanks to a reader's generosity here's a comparison of "So Far Away" from Tapestry as a One-Step Mobile Fidelity release and the ORG edition from a few years back cut by Bernie Grundman and Chris Bellman. Both of these editions are at 45 rpm. I'm not going to foul the waters by giving you my take. At least not until the votes are in and perhaps not at all. Polls will be open for 1 week.
BTW: turntable was OMA K3, Frank Schröder K3 arm, Lyra Atlas Lambda SL cartridge, CH Precision P1/X1 phono preamp, Lynx HiLo A/D converter.

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A good review of practically anything in The New York Times carries more weight than one in the Kansas City Star.
Analog Planet is The New York Times. Tone Audio is the Kansas City Star.

For me pretty much. That being very very little weight. The objective information in a review is what interests me the most. I don't put much weight at all on the subjective opinions of any reviewers.

I don't care how the wine or bread or anything tastes, I just care what's in it. Smart.

You missed the mark by a couple miles. I care very much what food tastes like and what stereo play back sounds like. I just don’t trust your opinion on food or audio reviewers opinions on sound quality. So I get more valuable/usable information from the objective facts than other peoples’ opinions. Big difference

so why do you read Stereophile and Analog Planet? For John's measurements? Do you worship at the alter of Julian Hirsch?

For the objective factual information about products and music releases. I have to say Analog Planet has been the single best source for that information. Particularly for new and lesser known vinyl releases. Analog Planet is a fantastic resource. I DONT need anyone to tell me what is subjectively good in their personal opinion. You NEED that?

then just read lists of new releases. Please don't read the NY TIMES or else you will get an opinion on a matter. Please disregard 100s of years of literary criticism, or film criticism because you have no need for another's viewpoint in your existence. You do realize how ridiculously arrogant you sound dont you?

I don’t need your guidance. Release lists usually don’t come with the additional info I get here and at a few other websites and they sure don’t offer these kinds of comparisons. Why do you even care that I don’t hero worship ANY reviewers and take their subjective opinions as gospel? Why does that bother you?

Do you worship at the alter of Stereophile or TAS?

but I enjoy reading journalism. And when certain reviewers can enlighten me with an OPINION on something that I may enjoy I am open to it. What I am not open to is the hypocrisy of those that have opinions on not others having opinions (but reading them anyway and commenting on it publicly to make a big statement on a column that others are enjoying for what it is intended to do.). MF contributes information and knowledge. Your posts do not.

then listen to what they have to say.There is a reviewer/s out there on the same page as you are. I find them and listen to what they think, then make up my own mind based on their critique.

Except for me. All I need and all I want is the objective facts from reviewers. I can figure out the rest on my own. This review is a prime example. With all due respect to Mr. Fremer his preference is for me a novel point of interest. But he has given us a lot of excellent factual info and posted samples. IMO that’s a great fucking review. It is completely useful.

with that opinion.

Because I form my own subjective opinions? Wow.

letter P come to mind when I read your posts.

I’m pompous because I am capable of figuring out what I like? You need a reviewer to tell you what to like. Pathetic. That’s the word that comes to mind.

with that opinion.

with that opinion.

I may not agree with all that MF says, but I am very certain that he has no character issues, as if he needed me to say it.
I would say that anyone who has committed over a $ half a million to his turntable set up and has good hearing and the rest of his system is SOTA his opinion does matter. Other reviewer who never have their gear measured or use a TT worth a couple of grand is entitled to an opinion, but not much else to me.
As a side note, IMHO, too many who are reviewing speakers are being shown to be not such good reviewers when GR Research does their research and actually listens and measures a speaker's performance and we find out who had tin ears or a poor listening room.
I think part of this audio test was interesting as it was as much about the choices in mastering as it was about better or worse. I will still take my original LP over these. It is clear to me that the word "remastered" is often taken as "better" and that is too often not the case.

How much someone spends on audio with the quality of their taste and judgement? That is absurd. This is one of the many reasons I would never trust anyone's subjective opinions in audiophilia. The amount of bullshit in the hobby of audio is mind blowing at times.

with ample comparisons to what they owned before, YES. That the main idea to upgrading one's components. If anyone does that just for owning "audio bling", then that is on them.
Most of us have followed MF's travels from his Simon Yorke days to where he is now. I don't think he has taken these moves up lightly or just to impress any of us.

The money one spends doesn't buy them better judgement. Ample experience also doesn't insure better judgement. Let me ask you this, does a Tarot card reader with 30 years experience and large wealthy clientele do a better job of telling the future than a newbie Tarot card reader that works for chump change?
There are people who have more money than sense and spend a lot of money "ineffectively". There are people who spend a life time doing what they do, badly. Even with the best and purest of intentions.
It makes me think of the classic John Cleese line in Life of Brian. "He is the true messiah and I should know! I've followed enough of them!"
It simply makes no sense to me to assume anyone is good at anything because they spend a lot of money or time on it.

That pretty much was an attack. How on earth does transparency and full disclosure amount to airing inside dirty laundry, unprofessionalism and a sense of entitlement?

Spoken like a true sycophant. Do you have an app that alerts you to when Fremer has received a perceived "attack"? When it beeps do you run to your computer to defend the honor? LOL.

straight to ad hominem. I guess you just can't handle being called out on your bullshit.

Is your day job the AP pitbull? Searching your posts it seems you spend your days attacking posts that dare to offer alternate views.
Lighten up and MF can certainly speak for himself.

I wasn't speaking for Fremer. I was speaking for myself. Love my actual job but I have a low threshold for bullshit. Apparently you have a real hard time dealing with being called out on your bullshit. Too bad...